I really need to make a new banner...

Monday, November 21, 2011

Steampunk Campaign is a GO! (maybe)

Okay, so I'm getting the ball rolling here with my campaign. Slowly. I've cleaned up my old forums, since nobody uses them anymore. Hopefully, with the new forums and with some of the newer functions that proboards have FINALLY added (like sub-forums), things will be a little nicer. Each game, if and when other games are added, can have its own sub-forum. But for now, Steam-Age Arcanius will have full reign of the main RP room. Like you guys care though...

EDIT: Okay, I should record the character creation rules here, before I forget again -.-

300 character points
No Dynamic Powers
Power Flux under GM approval only
Mythic benchmarks: most attributes cap at 5; except for toughness, extra energy, combat techniques, special defense, special movement, and anything else that might make sense (talk to me if you're unsure)
Steam-Punk skill costs

Questions? Ask 'em. You can get ahold of me via forums, facebook if you've friend'd me and some point, or texting my cell.

-Locke Alexander, building his Steam-Punk Mecha Throne from which he shall rule Arcanius from!